Got a problem!

27 Jul 2005
How can i get rid of permanent marker off my skin? I was in cardiff union last night and me and my mate decided to let eveyone advertise on us, got it all over my arse, back, arms chest, shower gel dont work!
Leave it there and let it wear off?
Or try Lynx deoderant or turps.
Whitning tooth paste can work aswell :o
:D Thanks for letting me laugh at you on this uninspiring Tuesday morning.
Whats that show on telly that does those mad scientific type experiments.
Anyways on there it took 9 days for some drawn on glasses to wear off. :p
I don't think there is any other way apart from wear and tear. So start skimming your arse along the floor and try a green scower on the rest. :D
Hmm my knowledge on this subject spans only from a certain Friends episode.

I think you have to wait a few days for it to fade away. Keep washing the area often as this will speed up the process.
The skin replaces a layer almost every hour. You might find the marker has marked quite a few layers, so short of peeling your skin off, you'll just have to ride this one out.

Dont worry, it will come off. Ever tried it with superglue? put a small bit on your skin and see how long it takes to drop off? (the glue that is not youe skin :D) That sounds wierd i know, but it puts your mind at ease when you are safe in the knowledge that things like that dont last for ever in any case :D
Anything with alcohol in it will do, so aftershave or deodrants will do, but if you must stuff like vodka will work too.
try those wipes that you can get from chemists shops for getting rid of the stickyness from plasters (is it called Zoff???)
or if you are a cheap skate wander through KFC and pick up their clean up wipes..............even if it does not work, you will be a lovely lemony fresh smelling person :D
Marshmule said:
uh oh, just realised i took the female pill aswell!
How did you just relize you took that :confused:
Where you grabbing for the blue one and got a pink one instead(dont know what colour the female pill is so pink will have to do) :p
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