got a tomtom, but i don't have a cigarette lighter...oh dear!

20 Oct 2002
I just received my tomtomone, went down to the car and to my horror couldn't find a cigarette lighter to power it. I just assumed that my car would have one, i don't know why! It's a peagout 306 XL L reg.

i seem to remember that the battery life of the tomtomone is about 2 hours which won't be enough for some of the journeys i was planning on taking. Am i screwed? Is there a way to get a cigarette lighter fitted?? Or is the cigarette lighter hiding from me??

I'm feeling totally gutted at the moment, needless to say :(
If you haven't got one, go to Halfrauds and buy one of these cigarette lighter multi-adapters. Chop the plug off and wire it in to the battery. Get the wire through the body of the car and plug Tomtom in. Jobs a good'un! :)
adwhitworth said:
go to Halfrauds and buy one of these cigarette lighter multi-adapters. Chop the plug off and wire it in to the battery. Get the wire through the body of the car and plug Tomtom in. Jobs a good'un! :)

Is this possible? No fuse required inbetween? Will the wire reach from there to the battery?
Sirrel Squirrel said:
agreed, the live wire only has to touch a bit of metal and boom lol but no need to worry now that you've found the cigarette lighter
Uh? It wasnt me who started this thread.

Anyway, ive bought one from halfrauds, is there anywhere else i can wire it to? e.g. the lights/sidelights or anything?

Im a noob when it comes to stuff like this, how do i put a fuse in? between this and the battery? :( :confused:

if someone could add my msn and help me out i'd appreciate it. its in my trust. :)
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Pants said:
It should be near the gear stick, it is well hidden. You have to pull a little tray down!

:eek: :eek: 306 XL's have a cigarette lighter??!?!?!?!? I had one for three years and i just assumed it didnt have one!!!!! If anyone could take a pic of where it is just to exorcise my demons, i'd be grateful :eek:
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