Got Interview Thursday

5 Dec 2008
Finally I've got an interview for IT Assistant at the National Portrait Gallery on Thursday. I emailed them an application form which I completed and emailed to them. I still have this form but I didn't save the original job description to read in preparation!

I have tried using the way back machine but cannot locate it by any means unless I email them and ask for a copy but I'm not sure how good that'll look.

I'll go through Huddy's helpful sticky on job interview preparation too.

Thank you for any advice.
The job was advertised on the National Museums Jobs website and the NPG website. I have tried looking on other job websites too. The deadline was Monday.
Qualifications & Experience

Experience of working in an IT help desk environment.

I haven't worked in a proper helpdesk environment. I have provided support for the offices at my current work when the IT department were unavailable. I've helped friends and family. And I helped coursemates when at university.

Experience in the use of the Windows XP or Windows 7 and the Microsoft Office 2007 product suite.

Yep. For business and pleasure.

Experience of using an IT Service Desk tool such as TrackIT, Heat, Remedy, Supportworks or similar.

Erm not really. I could look up these?

Some exposure to working with SQL databases.

Some at college and at university.

Previous experience of working as part of a small team would be desirable.

Worked in teams at university and other jobs.

A related qualification in IT such as certification from the Microsoft MCP certification track would be desirable.

I'm studying towards the COMPTIA A+ qualification and then plan on going further in this range.
Okay so I didn't get this job as they said I didn't have the experience they were looking for. However, they have recently put this vacancy on the website again and I applied. I have got an interview on Tuesday.

Does anyone have any advice for going to an interview that I've had before? Do I mention them not hiring me before and say I've learnt from it?

Thank you.
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