Had a little Play Last Night after setting up!... Take into consideration I'm coming from a 1st Gen 32" LCD TV... and a French one at that!!
Tuning and Set-up were a breeze.. so easy and quick finding 106 channels (TV and Radio etc..)
Picture is Crisp on both SD and HD (Freeview), Not tried a Blu-Rey or DVD yet!.. probly do that at the weekend!!..
Had a play on iPlayer too (I've gone Wired to my Router) Watched a Sarah Jane

and WOW.. its not that clear on my Laptop!.. granted the screen is twice the size (Lappy is 16" HD screen) but if I'd not known it was streaming down tinterweb I'd have thought it was just normal TV.. and no Stuttering either!!..
Not tried any of the other Web Services other than the Web Browser and Twitter. Web Browser is kinda small to read!.. dunno if theres a zoom function but otherwise it was quite good to quickly find summut!!.. Twitter worked no probs, but Facebook needs some fettling!!..
I then put my Phone (Xperia Arc) into its 'Media Server' mode over Wi-Fi, and streamed a copy of Tron Legacy to the TV.. W-O-W!!!.. Crispy.. Clear.. No Stuttering!! could have been watching the DVD for all I knew!!
Need to figure out how to stream all my movies and Music from my Laptop to the TV now!.. It picked up some but not all of my Movies, and none of my Music for some reason!.. But I'm new to this DLNA lark and don't know what I'm doing!
I popped a few movies onto a Memory stick and tried to watch em... nowt!

I then read the manual and realised the stick needed formatting to FAT/FAT32 not NTFS.. so one format later and I tried again!.. one of the movies played no probs.. the other not!.. probly the encoding!! TV is DIVX I think some of my movies are XVID.. easy way arround this.. Handbreak and convert to .mp4 (just gotta do that for 200 movies!!

USB recording is in the other USB socket (there are 2 of em!!) and supports 32Gb to 2Tb drives (smaller ones are fine for playback only).. Not tried this yet, but seems easy enough.. the menu is straight forward.. just pick summut from the EPG and pick 'Record' rather than 'Notify'
This thing is gonna keep me happy for a L-O-N-G time!!..
Plus one other thing!!.. I downloaded the 'Media Remote' app for my Xperia Arc (works on iPhone and Android) and 'Registered' the TV.. FULL CONTROL of the TV Functions including using the Phones 'on screen' keyboard for text entries!!
More Piccies to follow!!!