Got my BFMEII Collectors!

Nope not yet, but I know mines waiting at home for me when I get back from work :D cant wait to play it !!! I got it with standard second class delivery too!!

Hope the extra bits you get with the collectors edition are worth it (map etc..)
I personally don't like it :(
The War of the Ring mode seems like a badly done version of Risk, & the main campaign battles remind me of Age of Mythology, which irritated me too much. IMHO, it would have been much better built using a RTW style interface.

So whats it like i cant wait for it to come tomorrow ive bought Collectors edition. As soon as i come in from work ill eat some grub then watch the dvd then finally play the game.
How long is the dvd on for by the way.
installing now...

slightly underwhelmed at the collector stuff so far. map is a bit titchy, all the other stuff is on another disc.

box is just normal size etc.

anyway, the meat is about to be served... PREPARE THE SAUSAGES ARAGORN !!
Tell us what you think when you have played it for a bit N3crius.

Intrested in this game, but I wasnt really intrested with the demo.
so far im really enjoying it im doing the good campaign im not sure what mission im on i think about mission 6. Ive got 15 mins to make a descent defense before the enemy come. I watched the dvd which aint very good cause all it is the clips you can watch on variouse sites.

Overall im enjoying the game and must get back to it :)
wow ive just completed the good campaign the last mission looked impossible but i had some real powerful spells. My four heros eventually ended up destroying the lat half of the base :)
Im having a little go at the evil campaign im on mission 2 so far i think ill ebjoy doing this one more cause i love being evil mmmwwhhahaha.........
well i played a few multiplayer games lastnight and i can say i was having a lot of fun.

it's more fast paced AOM than anything else so if that doesn't suit you you might not enjoy this.

If anyone wants to team up for a 2v2 tonight let me know! :)
just made some good progress today im on the second to last mission on the evil campaign. Ill do war of the ring afterwards and then some multoplayer :)
Just got this today and enjoying it so far. Im not a hardcore RTS fan but this seems to keep me engrossed i the action.

Does anyone know how to get it to 1280x1024 res?
Vinny1511 said:
As above. Purchased this game today, very impressed.

The title screen blew me away TBH. Id pay 30 quid just for that !


do you mean the river with the statues of kings? I find that absolutely wonderous every time i boot the game. Just ace.

i don't like the starting cinematic though. cut and paste battles together to some music, nothing more.
This game is great its a bit too easy ive completed the good campaign and on the last mission on evil campaign so far took me altogether 9 hours in just 2 days.
Ive had a few go's at war of the ring and thats more like it its really hard :)

Whats everyones fav team then mines mordor with there very cheap orcs all i do in multiplayer is build 3 orc pits and lots of mines and then i have just endless armies just slowly cutting through to the enemies base.
Is it me or does the dwarves seem a bit too strong with there infantrt and axe throwers they just cut through my orcs very quickly. Still aint played very well with elves i just cant make out how to use them properly.

Great game loving it :)
bostin game so far, the secret to the elves bakes is archers, upgraded arrows and lots of them, the enemy wont even make it to your front lines
OzZie said:
^ Same for me!

It was like watching the intro to the movie. :p

Its not just me then lol, is there anyway to get it my native TFT res though?

Gonna boot up again and watch it! But shame its just a loop of the same 10 second masterpiece! :p
Yea the title screen with the two statues is just wonderous.

I'll be up for a game or too, not 2nite tho. Boxing is very close :D

Maybe some 2morrow ?

Lemme kno...

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