Got my index but think my CPU might need upgrading

3 Jan 2010
Got my index and controllers yesterday which is very impressive and a big upgrade from the Vive or the o+, but my system seems to struggle in some games at 120hz, and using fspvr it is the CPU that is maxing out, already set the SS to 100% and turned off motion smoothing.
I'm currently running i7 6700k, 24gb ram and a 1080ti

Are there any tips to get it running better without losing image quality?
Would a CPU overclock help or is it time to upgrade?
Beatsaber was fine at 120hz, I didn't do many as i was mainly setting up last night but didn't like Pavlov or the lab at 120hz and was maxing out the cpu
Mine was order the 10th April, for the headset and controllers, the headset only orders have the quickest lead time and then the full kits but it looks they they are starting to catch up on the backlog now
Played everything at 90hz tonight and it has no issies, guess I'll just have to save the 120hz for beatsaber untill I upgrade
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