Got myself an Amstrad CPC 464!

12 Feb 2019
Sunny Ayrshire, Scotland.
This was my first ever computer as a kid, I was 7 or 8 at the time. One popped up locally in my village with the monitor, 2 joypads, box, manuals and all in working order.

Pick it up tomorrow and cannot wait to mess around with it. I'll report back with info and photos tomorrow.

PS....if anyone had a copy of Freddy Hardest please sell me it!
Ok, it was pretty filthy and I've spend the best part of 2 hours cleaning up the grime. Getting a couple of read errors, error a and b which might be down to the tape deck I guess?

That was only the first 2 games I tried, Oh Mummy and Harrier Attack. Its currently loading Toyota Celica GT Rally with no far.
Tape deck cleaned and I'm now getting a game of Harrier Attack, of course I managed the whole level only to panic at the end and run out of fuel before I could land.

Looks like the old girl just needed a clean and some TLC to get her going again.
OMG peasants with green screen!!!!!111!one! :p

CPC464 was my first computer too. I had the 64K RAM Pack, the Genius Mouse pack, a Multiface II and a colour monitor. It was absolutely glorious :)

I really wish I hadn't thrown it out but I had a ruthless declutter after renovating the house and wanted an empty loft :( Also threw out an Amiga that worked fine.

I would have had a field day in lockdown now, what an idiot.

10 CLS
20 DEG
30 ORIGIN 0,100
40 FOR X=1 TO 360
50 PLOT X,SIN(X)*100

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