Got the new iPhone 3gs

16 May 2004
Upgraded my N95 black 8bg to the iPhone. I am very pleased with it so far.

Anyone else got one? What apps do you rec for it. I am trying not to buy any so free ones are a must..also using songs purchased from itunes only to be used as ringtones.... i hate that.
Not quite.

You need to open iTunes, go to any song you want to make into a ringtone, right-click it and "get info". Go to the "options" tab, and make sure that the "stop time" is no longer than 40 seconds.

Now go back to the library screen, and right-click the song again. Click on "Create AAC version". Now find the newly made AAC version in your iTunes Music folder (usually c:\documents and settings\[username]\my documents\my music\iTunes...). Rename the file from <songname>.m4a to <songname>.m4r. Now double click it so that iTunes opens the file, it will add it to the ringtones folder.

Now remove the duplicate you created before from your main library, job done.

Great stuff there. Worked right away and now have 40 seconds of Through the fire and flames.....:cool:
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