Got to love Zach :D

He entertains me :D I shall subscribe to his channel now :D
He's a quality read and watch. Got hooked on him when i read his white seamless blog years ago, then his CreativeLive, Onelight stuff.

First class and tells it like it is and to quote Raymond quoting Zach...

Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible !
Look. Some of the trolls out there are going to think this is a Fuji sponsored message. It isn’t. While Fuji is a client of mine and I have done work for them they sure as hell don’t keep food on my table or a roof over my head on any sort of regular basis. I don’t get **** for saying this stuff or making blog posts like this. I’m simply relaying my experiences working with all sorts of cameras in all sorts of situations. And in preparation for making this blog post I have done a lot of pixel peeping at newer APS cameras from Nikon, Canon, Sony, and the rest and I feel confident saying… APS sensors kick ass these days. Across the board. Whatever you are shooting.
Personally I don't mind if he's a Fuji sales guy or simply a happy customer/fan of Fuji. What annoys me with this quote, is that by questioning if there is a little bias in his video you must be a troll. Considering the commercial at the end, asking the question is a reasonable, prudent and appropriate thing to do for anyone who isn't a sheep.
Lighten up.

Before going MF he shot Nikon, now he shoots Fuji amongst other kit. Minus any possible branding / endorsing i take away from the video that the most important part of the equation is the moron behind the camera and kit selection provided it gets the job done is largely...

Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible !

If you want to focus on his loyalties or kit then that's up to you but i think you're either missing the point or choosing to ignore it ;)
If I wanted to make a point I would make the point. I wouldn't be dumb enough to muddy it with exaggeration and advertising.

And enough of the quoting negligible. Do your own thing instead of copying others.
Fine, just for your happy self i'll create a derivative work.

Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible ! Negligible !
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