Got YouTube Premium? Claim free Stadia & Chromecast Ultra

Well even if you don't wish to use the Stadia service you can use it as a stand alone controller in other games and the Cheomecast is also useful.
Clearout of Ultras in line for the new Chromecast with 'Google TV'?

I wouldn't have thought so, the Stadia came pre boxed with it, with a manufacture date of 12/2019.

I have to say I was actually surprised how well it performs, on a FPS game to give it a quick demo the responsive of the controls was really good as were the graphics, no glitching or blockiness as you might expect with a streaming service.

My first dabble with cloud gaming was with OnLive if anybody remembers that, and that was unplayable on the most part, Stadia is miles ahead.
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