US: Gotham (US spoilers)

31 Jan 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Yes, there's already a thread in the main part of the forum. So, given that people over there will be waiting for the UK release of the show, here we will focus on the US release.

So did anyone catch this last night/this morning? Watched it live myself and I have to say, very good start. Most of the characters worked well with each other. I love the tension between Bullock and Gordon.

Notable characters appearing for me were Crispus Allen and Renee Montoya.

Some of the cameo appearances by other characters could have been better.

The very opening of the show had a very interesting twist involving one Selina Kyle. I thought that was a very alluding moment for both herself and Bruce.

Looking forward to next week's episode already!
Thought it was very good...

I usually say, If a program grabs me within the first 15 minutes I'll keep going (though this proved to be wrong with Under the Dome, which I've given up on!!)

This grabbed me within about 5 minutes!! But then I'm a big Batman fan!

Thought Shaun Pertwee was a weird signing when I saw the Preview a few weeks ago, but He's actually quite good (for the few small scenes he's in) and Oswald is a Sadistic and Chillingly frightening (when he gets going) as I'd pictured (especially at the end!!)

Okay there were a few Villains introduced, Edward Nigma, Oswald Cobblepot, Selina Kyle and Ivy Pepper... but was the Comic on stage at Mooney's Possibly Jack Napier??? They did (sort of) Hint he might appear in the series!!

Yep! Gonna keep watching!!!

That could be possible. He certainly had a familiar "grin" about him.
With 8m views from the Pilot. I'd say it's got off to a really good start! Let's hope it continues and FOX don't cancel it so soon!
I think whether you're going to like this show or not depends a lot on your expectations and how you judge it. If you compare it to or are expecting it to be like the Nolan series, then you'll probably be a bit disappointed. As Shamikebab pointed out, I wasn't sold on the casting of Alfred, but then I had it explained to me that there is a comic book version of Alfred who is very disciplinarian and hard, an ex-Marine, and I gained a bit more appreciation for this version. I don't think we should expect him to be like Michael Caine's version or the Alfred from the Arkham games, he's a different vision in this.

That's part of the danger of doing any sort of adaptation of a very popular superhero franchise. The Batman universe has been going for so long and been reworked so many times that some people are bound to be unhappy with the portrayal of certain characters/Gotham itself/the story etc. I do agree that they tried to shoe-horn too many villains in though, I think they were trying to grab people's attention so that they'll continue watching.

That would be from the original graphic novel Batman Earth One. Volume 2 of this is due out either later this year or early next year. I cannot wait!
Episode 3 is already looking good. We got a shot of Professor Pyg and he is one mental individual.

Last night's episode was quite good. I am just in love with Camren Bicondova (Selina Kyle). Always saying "Cat" when people called her Selina. I have to say she is portraying young Selina really well. And her interaction with James Gordon. She totally had him right where she wanted him.

I'll be interested to see what happens to Nygma. As in what makes him become The Riddler.

As for Cobblepot. Yozwers! He is a bit of a fruitloop.

Loved Jada as Fish Mooney!

The scene with the female band in the club. I sure hope they weren't called "The Sirens". Hehe. ;)

Also, anyone notice two major DC Comics Easter eggs?
I'm not as much a DC Nerd as you!! :D ;)

Didn't see any EasterEggs!!


The one with the trident logo hints towards Aquaman. And halfway through the episode we saw a building with a green Q on it. Which could hint towards one Green Arrow aka Oliver Queen.

It's good to see that Gotham is getting its own expanded universe. :)
Really enjoyed last night's episode! Fish, Oswald and Selina are the stand out characters for me!

I really loved the jousting scene between Alfred and Bruce. Reminded me of the exchange between them in Batman Earth One. But more light hearted.

Anyone else notice the way they say Falcone's name? They don't pronounce it Falconé. Kinda grates me to be honest. But I will get used to it.

I was a tad disappointed about The Balloonman. I was hoping he would be someone more menacing and had a purpose. Well he did have a purpose. He just didn't seem the villainous type. But then, it is Gotham!
Quite an intense episode last night. Of course, what was Oswald playing at telling Maroni about Fish and Gordon? While it did work in his favour in the end, I felt that was a silly move on his part.

Bruce. Oh, Bruce. He's starting to become the detective we all know and love. :)

Again, Nygma's presence forced. Honestly, if he never showed up in an episode, I wouldn't miss him.

I liked the concept about Viper and what it eventually becomes. Who knew? Very soon, we'll be heading to Santa Prisca. ;)

And that scene with Bruce and then Alfred showing up with case files and the pair of them working together? Yeah. ;)
Last night's episode was quite good. While I haven't enjoyed Nygma's presence in previous outings. He wasn't too bad last night. Tho his attempt to hit on the lady in the investigation room was cringeworthy at best.

That mask that was worn by the two killers was rather scary. Let's hope Bruce doesn't get wind of it. Also, what was Selina doing at the mansion? I mean she picked something up and then left. What?

That twist at the end tho! Oh Jim what have you done? Next week is going to be interesting for sure! :D
Is anyone else disappointed that Penguin killed his step-brother and step-sister off-screen? I certainly would have loved to see his step-sister again.

The touch of feeding them both to their mother was pretty dark though. :)

The girlfriend already sussed this. She dubbed them both Hansel and Gretel. I myself had no idea he was feeding his step-mum her kids. But you gotta love Penguin for being so evil.
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