gothic 3 better looking than oblivion?

Gothic is similar to morrowind/oblivion in style - single player action rpg. Gothic 2 set the standard for action rpgs, which in my opinion is still to be beaten.
hood1971 said:
Gothic is similar to morrowind/oblivion in style - single player action rpg. Gothic 2 set the standard for action rpgs, which in my opinion is still to be beaten.

aye gothic 2 is a cracking game managed to pick up gothic 2 with the expansion from ebay a while back
I don't trust screenshots, the game could be running at 1fps on a SLI rig for all we know. :p

If you look at oblivion screenshots they look very similar, as they picked / created areas that looked awsome and ran smooth.
i hope this is good - i thought oblivion was amazing when i first played but now, after having completed it all i see now are its flaws (and it has many)
Yewen said:
I don't trust screenshots, the game could be running at 1fps on a SLI rig for all we know. :p

If you look at oblivion screenshots they look very similar, as they picked / created areas that looked awsome and ran smooth.

i agree. although the pics still make your mouth water :D
Roughneck said:
aye gothic 2 is a cracking game managed to pick up gothic 2 with the expansion from ebay a while back

There was an expansion?! I didn't know that.

Gothic 3 might be looking nicer than Oblivion but I doubt it will be as open ended and freeform. Gothic 2 was a great game but was comparatively linear.
Flammy said:
There was an expansion?! I didn't know that.

Gothic 3 might be looking nicer than Oblivion but I doubt it will be as open ended and freeform. Gothic 2 was a great game but was comparatively linear.

To be honest thats not necessarily such a bad thing... I found that once I'd completed the main quest in Oblivion I found it hard to be bothered doing that many of the side quests.
All those shots look confined compared to Oblivion - the great thing for me in O is the ability to see miles into the distance, to stand on a mountain top and pick out the route you've travelled..makes the world feel real.

Also isn't GothicIII 3rd person? - this reduces the immersion for me.

Dispite what I've just said, it does look very good, and look forward to seeing how it turns out.
King4aDay said:
To be honest thats not necessarily such a bad thing... I found that once I'd completed the main quest in Oblivion I found it hard to be bothered doing that many of the side quests.

Part of playing elder scrolls games is going back to them with the same char later when they release expansion packs with new content. You might do them then when u are intrested again
I honestly couldn't care less about its graphics prowess. I have a top end rig but the gameplay is what I'm hoping is good. Too many games now try to rest on the graphics....but maybe thats what people want? :confused:

It can't be any shallower than Oblivion's gameplay surely (without user mods). Not that I'm bagging Oblivion but without a load of gameplay mods I use with it I would have shelved it ages's hoping Gothic 3 can deliver the goods (gameplay-wise).
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