Gotta love car boot sales!

20 Oct 2002
In a house

5 quid for a nice set!!

I managed to get another 5.1 meters of track this evening. I shall be building a nice set up here.....



Im seriously loving this owning your own house thing!!

I wonder what length layout i can get going! Anyone know much about scalectrix? How much track can you power from one powerpoint? I have 2 available to me, how does one rig up multiple packs? I should have about 8-9 meters of track. I would probably like more at some point though :)
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Im not that bad, i been in for nearly 3 months now i think?

I was looking for ages, but didnt want to spend silly money, so just waited the for the right bargains before i setup :D

I have vague recollections of playing with my mates massive perminant setup when i was a kiddy, i never had a proper one. Was never allowed to put it in the lounge so i always had to try and put it up in my tiny bedroom :(
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