Government sites not up to standard.

27 Mar 2004

It seems unforgivable to me that the site for own government doesn't comply with standards. I'd love to know who actually does the websites for them.

On another note, in the picture, it seems slight overkill to have what looks like a 40" LCD for internet use. Perhaps less money needs to be spent on the monitors and more on the actual web design.
fozzybear said:
It seems unforgivable to me that the site for own government doesn't comply with standards. I'd love to know who actually does the websites for them.

As far as I'm aware, a lot of councils use external companys. We use Cubik (based in leeds) for

as for the monitors, must only be high up people who get 40inch monsters. i've got a 15inch budget TFT monitor in front of me!
It doesn't surprise me, but to be honest, I recently designed and co-developed Pat McFadden's (Wolverhampton MP Councillor) website, and he didn't mention anything about making the site as accessible as possible to us.
fozzybear said:

It seems unforgivable to me that the site for own government doesn't comply with standards. I'd love to know who actually does the websites for them.

On another note, in the picture, it seems slight overkill to have what looks like a 40" LCD for internet use. Perhaps less money needs to be spent on the monitors and more on the actual web design.


Not even the CEO of a major hospital has 40" monitor, not even the board of directors have a 40" monitor!

The only people I know who have a 32" Plasma are in the operating theaters.

The majority of the users are using 15" CRT's or LCD's


The biggest monitor that anyone has is the management department who all have 19" monitors.

The rest is using 15" - 17" LCD's
fozzybear said:
On another note, in the picture, it seems slight overkill to have what looks like a 40" LCD for internet use. Perhaps less money needs to be spent on the monitors and more on the actual web design.
Why are you all going on about a giant monitor? that is obviously an exhibition, where you would use a giant monitor to display the information.

Companies use them all the time for exhibitions.

iCraig said:
It doesn't surprise me, but to be honest, I recently designed and co-developed Pat McFadden's (Wolverhampton MP Councillor) website, and he didn't mention anything about making the site as accessible as possible to us.
Why would he, surely he wouldn't know about such things? if you werent a web designer or disabled you wouldnt think about accessability. If he handed you an government guidline leaflet or something, which went into detail about copyright and privacy etc but failed to mention accessability then that would be quite terrible.

Did you make is accessable?
iCraig said:
It doesn't surprise me, but to be honest, I recently designed and co-developed Pat McFadden's (Wolverhampton MP Councillor) website, and he didn't mention anything about making the site as accessible as possible to us.
Er, it's up to you.

If you were asked to make a muffin, surely it's your responsibility to check if anyone has a nut allgery?

In an ideal world people would provide you all the information you need but that has never, ever happened to me.
I know it is, and we kept accessibility in mind when we made it. But what I'm saying is that it doesn't seem they are aware of problem, considering it is their own site.
"One difficulty is that many authoring tools do not generate compliant HTML and make it difficult to edit the coding."
They've never heard of notepad or another text editor. All of the websites I make are written in text format. I hate all WSYIWIG editors.

As they are all written in text format, they're all 100% W3C compatible :D
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