GPO Question

18 Jun 2003
Wellington, Somerset
Hi All.

I'm quite clued up about GPO and OU etc but have a small question.

I basically have a set a computers which I don't want to apply a GPO to when anybody logs on. So when a user logs on they have complete control.

Ideally, I will then work on a seperate GPO just for these computers. I presume this is possible?
topher said:
yep, if you have policy's above the OU you've created (ie at the domain level) use block policy inheritance on the OU for the PC's that you dont want to use a policy..

Well I have 2 OUs

1) Managed Users, then thats split into different OUs depending on departement. Each department has different GPO which apply at login

2) Managed Computers. All I want is to drop the computers in here which will apply no GPO.

I don't have any GPOs above the OUs (apart from the default domain ones).

When people login I want it to check computer name, if in Managed Computers then load nothing, else go to Managed USers find the user and load that GPO.

Hope this makes sense. I just couldn't quite figure out what you meant :confused:
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