GPO to run file on logon not working



11 Jan 2006
West Midlands

I would like abc.exe to run each time a user logs on.

There is a GPO set in User Configuration-->Policies-->admin templates-->Sytem/Logon

it then shows a link to the file in \\server\public\abc.exe

The GPO doesn't run the file on logon work but abc.exe works fine if I run it manually.

What could be wrong?
Have you checked the permissions on this file/folder?

If you call it from a batch file and add a line like "echo ran > c:\ran.txt" before calling the exe you will atleast know if the script is running.
Have you tried copying it to the scripts folder that you can open when you edit that policy rather than that other UNC and then calling it by name rather than full path? It would help rule out other problems if it runs fine this way?
Pretty sure you need to run a vbs or alike from a GPO to call a file and not an .exe directly.

Usually Logon stuff is put in the correct netlogon sysvol folder and referenced by name only not path.
I can't change the location of the file as it has to stay on the shared drive which all users do have access to.

I will try the other suggestions here.

You may have more luck if you set it as a logon script in User Config > Policies > Windows Settings > Scripts (Logon/Logoff)

Just make a small script to call the exe.

Also, on a machine that isn't working, try running the command "gpresult /Z > gp.txt" and then examine this file as it will show you what the machines are doing during logon.
Pretty sure you need to run a vbs or alike from a GPO to call a file and not an .exe directly.

Usually Logon stuff is put in the correct netlogon sysvol folder and referenced by name only not path.

I think this is correct, it's probably best to use a batch or VBS file to call the .exe

Is this setting in it's own GPO or in with an existing policy?
Pretty sure you need to run a vbs or alike from a GPO to call a file and not an .exe directly.

Usually Logon stuff is put in the correct netlogon sysvol folder and referenced by name only not path.

We run an exe as part of a GPO during user logon but our exe is in the netlogon share on the DC.
There might be another way to try this...

Computer configuration - Policies - Admin Templates - System - Logon

'Run these programs at user login'
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