GPS No longer works

I did a update at first and GPS would not work at all... I then Did a Restore and still GPS wont work I think GPS is now Borked it wont work at all now... Good apple are good at borking things these days
Dont think the GPS is anything to do with o2 is it mate? the GPS is to do with the Satellite to pick up where i am the blue dot is what i am referring to any idea?
Hmmm that strange yeah 3g working great no problem with 3g everything else is fine just the stupid GPS...

What the best way to wipe the iphone and restore.. When i did a restore I just press restore in itune but i think there a HEAVY way to do this am i right?
Will try that but I honestly think i have a Hardware fault... I see how things goes over tmr if it the same then I am going to book myself into Apple at meadowhall and get it sorted
Want to apple store today and get my iPhone Swapped out as the GPS is DEAD was not software related the GPS itself was dead though it was and now got a brand spanking new iPhone that works :)
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