GPS Tracking

19 Nov 2010

Does anyone here have experience with GPS trackers for bikes? I'm thinking of getting one fitted to my machine, but they're quite expensive... I'm not sure if its better to try and recover a stolen bike or just let the thieves have it and get my insurance to deal with it. Insurance premiums go down a bit with one fitted, but it won't be much fun if they trash the bike before its recovered. How good are these things? Is the recovery time quick after reporting the theft? It seems that if they're connected to the battery a 'pro' thief will only have to trace the wires and rip it out, then throw it in a hedge somewhere? And that would only take a few minutes...?
It was a toss-up between alarm and GPS but allot of people seem to ignore alarms, or hear it and run towards it with their mobiles out to post lols on youtube. Neither of which really helps much and gives me "this is why we can't have nice things..." syndrome. Still, so far GPS isn't getting allot of votes here.

It has an immobilizer and disk lock, getting a U-Lock too, but what's the best option to enhance it? Camera's at home is a decent idea, even fake ones will be a deterrent. But balaclavas are an easy counter to that. Nothing is 100% I suppose, just looking for opinions on best balance for home and away parking.
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