GPU Description Wrong, A Bit Odd

17 Mar 2009
Okay, never come across this before until now but my GTX 780 Ti is being mixed up in FAHControl by my GTX 680. I verified this by monitoring the temps and usage in GPU-Z and AIDA64.

I have to enable GK104 and disable GK110, reversing what I am actually doing in enabling 780 Ti.


I then tried to rectify this by setting the GPU index for 780 Ti to "0" (ID listed as "1"), and 680 as "1" (ID listed as "2") and remains the same.


As far as FAH knows its running a GK104 when in fact this is my 780 Ti. How to remedy this small issue? Thanks :)

P.S., if this related to the install procedure of the GPUs, I installed the 680 after the 780 Ti. In Dxdiag the 780 Ti is listed as the display device and not the 680. And in Device Manager I see the 680 above the 780 Ti for some odd reason - is this related at all to FAH?
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