GPU EK Waterblock Vinyl

21 Aug 2008
Morning All,

Picked up my 6900XT XFX WB Tuesday, this comes pre-installed with a EK water block which is great, however not so great is the back plate is black..... :mad:

My new build is all colour co-ordinated around white and blue with only a small amount of black on the motherboard and case to be as a backing to highlight the white.

Can I apply Vinyl to the backplate? would this cause issues? obviously I know it provides a small amount of passive cooling, but I wouldn't think 0.5mm of Vinyl would effect this greatly?

Before someone says it as well, Yes i know I am sad for caring about it, but this is a project so want to try and get as much as I want how I want :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Regards to the backplate. If I was to remove do I then also need to replace the thermal pads? Or as they good to just go straight back on?

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