This evening I was changing my CPU overclock, trying lower volts, offsets and seeing if I could get 4.7ghz under 1.4v (spoilers, my CPU is happier at 4.6ghz!)
Anyway, I thought I would drop the GPU down to the next slot in my Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 for a while to give me easier access to the CMOS battery to reset. After finishing with the CPU tests I fired up BF1 and had a couple of hours gaming.
Now heres the interesting part, my GPU temps were around 3-4c cooler than normal! Same 21c room temp as normal, same CPU overclock and voltage as before, and same +100mhz overclock on the GPU with no extra power or volts.
Settling at 2025mhz my MSI GTX1070 Gaming X was sitting at around 74-75c in the top slot, but in the lower slot it was at 71-72c. As the pictured below its quite close to the PSU which I would expect to hinder cooling.
I am running the PSU fan up as the case it sat on carpet so I didn't want to suffocate it, so the GPU has more open space below it. That being said I have never seen the fan spin even under heavy load so the PSU isn't breaking a sweat at all.
In the top slot the GPU is pretty close to the CPU cooler, and anecdotally when just feeling the air around the GPU it is much warmer on the top side behind the backplate, compared to the fan side. I am assuming that the extra air space is allowing the heat to dissipate more quickly and therefore leading to a few degrees less on the core?!
Anyway thought I would share this 'cool story bro', if anyone else finds it interesting or has found similar results, or results the other way!
Anyway, I thought I would drop the GPU down to the next slot in my Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 for a while to give me easier access to the CMOS battery to reset. After finishing with the CPU tests I fired up BF1 and had a couple of hours gaming.
Now heres the interesting part, my GPU temps were around 3-4c cooler than normal! Same 21c room temp as normal, same CPU overclock and voltage as before, and same +100mhz overclock on the GPU with no extra power or volts.
Settling at 2025mhz my MSI GTX1070 Gaming X was sitting at around 74-75c in the top slot, but in the lower slot it was at 71-72c. As the pictured below its quite close to the PSU which I would expect to hinder cooling.
I am running the PSU fan up as the case it sat on carpet so I didn't want to suffocate it, so the GPU has more open space below it. That being said I have never seen the fan spin even under heavy load so the PSU isn't breaking a sweat at all.
In the top slot the GPU is pretty close to the CPU cooler, and anecdotally when just feeling the air around the GPU it is much warmer on the top side behind the backplate, compared to the fan side. I am assuming that the extra air space is allowing the heat to dissipate more quickly and therefore leading to a few degrees less on the core?!
Anyway thought I would share this 'cool story bro', if anyone else finds it interesting or has found similar results, or results the other way!