Gpu Usage at only 70%. Reverb G2

26 Nov 2010
Thorne Yorkshire
Just got myself a new toy for sim racing. An HP Reverb G2. Previously using a Quest 2 for the last 6 months.

Regards the G2....I've not tried it for more than 20 minutes. Still muddling around with the menus, options, software etc. Basically still trying to learn how to operate the darn thing.

According to FpsVr, my gpu usage is hovering around 70%, with around 60fps with all settings on high or ultra when playing Automobilista 2.

Seems a bit low on both usage and fps if you ask me. Shouldn't my rtx 3080 ti be doing a little more work? Settings, somewhere, need adjusted?

The G2 does have a better image quality than the Q2 but it's not "WoW!" better. Just a bit better. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the image improvement TBH. Maybe my settings need some serious adjustments.

Side question: FpsVr states I'm using 14Gb of my 16Gb pc ram. Is it worth upgrading my motherboard ram to allow some headroom?

Thank you.
Ryzen 5 3600 cpu could be your problem for sim racers using the 3080Ti. Check to see what your CPU use is.

The image quality difference between the Quest 2 and the Reverb G2 is small. IF it wasn't for the compression artifacts in some games, I doubt most casual users would see a difference.

Try the following, but, somebody in the Reverb G2 thread might be able to help you better.
  1. Set Experience Option as Best Visual Quality

  2. Set resolution at 4320x2160

  3. Set Frame rate to 90Hz

  4. Set the graphic for 'Reprojection' on Steam VR on 'Auto.'
Side Question: 16GB is fine.
What's the CPU frametimes like in fpsvr? Essentially you have spare overhead on the GPU so wind the details up or if you're happy with the current graphical fidelity then bask in the knowledge that you're saving power and money by not thrashing the GPU :D

If your CPU frametimes are still low then perhaps there's a bottleneck elsewhere. Typically though modern simulations should be pushing the CPU quite hard so it's possible that the GPU is just twiddling it's thumbs waiting for the 3600. Is it stock or overclocked?
Thank you

CPU usage is around 33%.

Cpu frametimes? I'm not sure what that means.
I'd certainly like to obtain best possible image quality.
I'll have another look at this later today. I'll write down the figures that FpsVr states.

I can't get FpsVr to show up in the headset today for some reason. I've faffed about with the headset for long enough for one day. I'm giving it a rest before I throw it out the window. :)
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