Hello everyone, new here and hope I'm using the right forum, I use old PCs (Core 2 Duo) because I only need it for everyday browsing, watching low res videos, editing text documents, etc. At the moment my Compaq dc7900 uses integrated graphics, and I realised that I can speed it up a bit if I use some kind of video card so that it doesn't have to share the main memory (8GB). I don't need anything fancy, just something that will take some load off the rest of the system, and I've seen old video cards from that era (Radeon 2000s, GeForce 4 etc). It's running mostly ok but I have a habit of keeping too many tabs open and sometimes I get a little slowdown/thrashing. However I know that mass market PCs (from HP, Dell, etc) often only have just enough power to run the system in stock configuration and they weren't designed to be expanded in any way. If I add a video card does that risk overloading the PSU? HP's manual says that my PC is 240W (compact form factor; I also have in reserve a larger tower dc7900 with 365W, will dust it off if my smaller PC reaches end of life). As these are old PCs that aren't worth a lot, I'm not spending much money or time but if an old video card can give a useful performance boost I think it's worth a try.
Thanks, C
Thanks, C
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