Graphic Artifacts on Laptop Screen

18 Oct 2002
The Darkside
I have just received a laptop to fix and it appears that whether its in the bios,bootup screen and in windows, the screen is covered in Graphic artifacts. I have connected a crt to the laptop and the same artifacts appear on it also. Because its happening in the Bios, I am thinking along the lines of a hardware fault than anything else.

Could this be the graphics card in the laptop at fault and if so, should I just replace it if its not an 'integrated/onboard' graphics card?


When I get home later, I will let u all know what card is in the Toshiba laptop. If the card is replacable I wonder how much a replacement one is? On another point, the laptop has built in tv. Is that on a seperate card or onboard normally?
The laptop is a Toshiba Qosmio G30 - 117 (Model No: PQG30E-01T01SEN) and from what I can find on the net, is the graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 - 128 MB
I can't seem to find out in writing if the 7600 in the laptop is removable or not and its not the easiest laptop to open up hence why I haven't touched it but from various sites on the internet, it appears the 7600 is soldered to the mobo like in other laptops. I always got the impression that when a laptop stated integrated graphics it meant soldered hence shared memory and dedicated meant removable with it having its own memory etc? It looks like I am wrong and I will think twice in the future when purchasing a laptop. It seems this over expensive laptop at the time has found a new home in the bin.
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