Graphic Designers... Post Your work here.

6 Jun 2005
I'll start...

It for me. Just an abstract bit of personal work. When your in the graphic design game you rarely get the time to do things you really like.

Always have something on the go your really interested in.

In my case random abstract design that probably doesn't make much sense.

Post some of your personal work people!!
Nimzicki said:
Nice work danton, got a link to anymore?

Cheers boss, I've not got a portfolio site online yet but I'll post more work here soon. I've been working for a print company for the last two years so not really had time or could be bothered to do any creative personal work.

Got a few bits I'll upload when I finally find them.
Hey, I usually create work from scratch. It all depends on your style though.

I can't draw for peanuts at the moment (not done it for years and lost all talent) so I tend to do everything straight in Illustrator.

As for the graphic tablets you might find its easier to use the mouse. I tried one out a few days ago and found it very hard to use. Practice I guess.

If your completely stuck for ideas give the design a break and get looking on the net and through design books for inspiration.

A good place to start would be
Have a look in the back of Creative Review mag. I think it best to get started in a print/design company rather than go freelance straight away. That way you get to know a lot of people and end up with solid commerical experience.

I've recently started working at a new design company and have taken a few clients from my old job work on their stuff from home. Lovely stuff :D
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