Graphics Bods

joeyjojo said:
What poker game? :p If it's texas hold 'em for example you'll need space for community cards in the middle. Circle or rectangle? Specify dimensions if you can, would be a shame to make it too small.

yeah its texas hold 'em

It can be circle or rectangle don't mind.

Big enough for 8 names to fit around the table.
Wow, i didn't realise that it was that big.

Anychance you could have it at around 780 pixels wide and w/e down.

Also, here is an example of one of the cards. Could you make the card place "holders" the correct shape and tell me what size i should resize all the cards to so they fit snugly in the space provided:


With regards to the text in the middle, could you change the text to something like "ePoker" (or another name if you can think of one which is better which hasnt been taken).

If you could make it like a table shape with a border around the edge it would be great but its not needed.

Thanks a lot.
I am incredibly shoddy at graphics stuff, I can only copy. I can only manipulate what other people have done i have no creative instinct, but i can use a photoshop competently.

Hence why i have practically copied what you kind people have done.

And the name cheetah designs comes from the fact that i am "ok" at designing websites (which still is just the best bits taken from websites and put into my own - i am only good at the coding part) I just am not very created.

My appolgies if i can insulted/****** you off at all, but in truth i could not have created anything close to that without this thread.

Thanks again.
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