Graphics or PSU Issue

18 Oct 2002
I built a PC for someone in March last year and it's recently had some problems which include locking up. It's the first time I've had it back to have any work done and it's full of dust..... clumps of it !

After taking the side of the case off (Antec SLK1650B) the first thing I noticed was the heat. I touched the Crucial 9800Pro's fan to make sure it was spinning..... it wasn't and I burnt my finger :rolleyes:
I've just removed the card to blow the dust off and I've noticed that the 4 pin molex connected to it is discoloured. It seems the connector with the red wire has overheated and the same pin on the 9800Pro is also the same.

That molex doesn't work anymore but connecting another spare molex to the 9800Pro boots the PC no problem.... the fan still doesn't work though.

Question is..... is it the graphics card or the PSU at fault because obviously I need to contact either Crucial or Antec.
tricky. i doubt its the psu, since those molex's are all wired to the same point in the psu. chances are if the psu went faulty, it would have effected more than just the graphics card.

Its strange. the fan is dead but the card still works, and the molex is scortched but again - the card still works. maybe the fan caused the card to somehow draw to much current without damaging the card :confused: wierd.

I think if you try another fan you'll find it wont work. The fan header on the card is likely to be history
You could try that molex in another device, though I'd recommend something cheap like a case fan.

You could also take the fan off the 9800pro and hook it up to another power source (one that's not part of the GFX card) and see if it's the fan that's broken or something on the GFX card board.
Just tried the molex on a fan and it's fine :confused:

I rang Crucial and it's out of warranty so I shall just suggest a new card. I wouldn't be happy putting the 9800Pro back in and I don't have time/interest to change the fan or mess around with molex connectors.

Thanks for the replies lads.
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