GRAW gets Anti Aliasing

Some more on the patch also

A serious timing issue that could cause servers to crash or lock up on map rotation after a 7-10 hour idle period has been fixed.
- Increased the grace period for anticheat to receive a reply from the client.
- Fixed crash where AI snipers would crash the game when noticing vehicles.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter version 1.16
CHANGENOTES 13/06/2006

Last minute additions
- Shortened the delay between shots in semiautomatic on most weapons.
- Switched the grenade sights with a more appropriate one.
Use the short line when targets are of that relative size, use the larger line when targets are closer, and use the small line to aim when you fire(in an arch) at far away targets.
- Hostile AI will notice dead friends up to 30 meters. This was previously too short at 6 meters.

You can also ge the patch Here if you havent got an account with fileplanet ;)
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