[GRAW] Is it me?

12 Jun 2005
Hi there,

I can't seem to give any other command but move to the other team-mates (single player).....why is this, i have tried changing controls....all i can seem to do is press 1 twice and it get them to move.....how can i tell them to follow me for instance?

Conrad11 said:
Yeah thats what i was doing, it doesn't work, although I will try that again when I next play....thanks for the reference.
Do you have your middle mouse button selected for "middle mouse " button function in it's properties?
Hi there,

Cheers guys I figure it was that my mouse buttons dont work (MX1000)....I have changed the keys for the menus now and its all ok.

Thanks for your help!
dont use the drivers for the MX1000, if you have them installed take them off ASAP !
then you will be able to use the side buttons in games and be able to use 'back and forward' in Firefox browser ;)
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