Great gaming PC for 1000?

11 May 2014
Hello everyone ,

I have finally decided to be part of the master race and buy myself a decent PC rig. I know a lot of you enjoy building one yourself but I just can't . Would most likely have OC build one for me .

I would like to have roughly around 1000 including monitor . No need for keyboard/mouse . If you somehow could even knock the price down even better :)

Thanks in advance
Some really nice stuff stully . Case for me Doesn't matter much as long as it does the job and is efficient . Would these specs run all the latest games on high setting or would u recommend a better graphics card for future proof ?
The last one seems really great . If OC build me one how much would it cost ? Or can I build that fairly easily ? I'm not a total novice but I have never build a PC or even replaced a part .
You have been great help . I will ponder about if I should build myself or let OC do it for me . I am for sure getting your latest recommendation .
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