geff_r said:
Hmm interesting...So what's that guy on about in the mirage post
saying his temps have gone up 7c since swapping from an antec 900.
How could adding an extra front intake not improve temps this is
all a bit confusing isnt it.
not sure, but his does sound like an air flow issue, as his cpu temps drop when removing side panel, i had the same problem with my old case, since i have this lian li, i have about 10 degrees less on the cpu, gpu and motherboard, removing the side panel does not affect my cpu temps with this new case, because my cpu fan is getting enough air, that removing the side panel doesnt affect it..
with my other case, the poor airflow ment my cpu fan could not do its job properly
maybe he has a hot system, and the antec simply blasted the hot air out, there is allot of fans in that thing
as for my lian li v1000 and this kama bay, i would say my temps are about the same if not 1-2 deg lower, i must have good enough cooling as it is
the motherboard i have is known to run hot asus p5w, and this is getting cooled lovely in this case, it is only 37, and the room is warm, this board is known to run from 45 -65 deg safely according to asus
so the case is deffo doing its job there..
i think this kama bay would help a system with poor airflow