Green Day - She. Whats it all about?

7 Mar 2006
Hi all,

Been listening to Green Day lately and this song came on. Whats it all about and the meaning behind it? Im into lyrics and stuff but cant figure this song out - maybe its cos im still tired!!

Any ideas?
I'll post the lyrics for the forum users ;)

She screams in silence
a Sullen riot penitraiting through her mind
Waiting for a sign
To smash the silence with a brick of self-control

Are you locked up in a world
Thats been planned out for you
Are you feeling like a social tool without a use

Scream at me until my ears bleed
I'm taking heed just for you

She's figured out
All her doubts were someone else's point of view
Wa-king up this time
To smash the silence with a brick of self-control

Are you locked up in a world
Thats been planned out for you
Are you feeling like a social tool without a use

Scream at me until my ears bleed
I'm taking heed just for you


Are you locked up in a world
Thats been planned out for you
Are you feeling like a social tool without a use

Scream at me until my ears bleed
I'm taking heed just for you
Are you locked up in a world
Thats been planned out for you

I think 'She' is a girl who being made to conform (by society/parents/peers), she is not able to be herself.

Scream at me until my ears bleed
I'm taking heed just for you

And this refers to a friend of the girl telling her to vent all of her frustrations on him.

Maybe? :)
hehe, try listening to pretentious A Perfect Circle could debate the meaning of those for years and not get anywhere!! (well, some of them)

i'd agree with Lithium UK, seems to make sense :)
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