Green laneing

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Following on from my thread yesterday.

What are peoples thoughts on Green Laneing with a motorcross? Is it frowned upon? Is it something the police are hot on even though it's legal in most cases with highlighted routes.

Are most routes going to be populated by Sunday 4x4 adventurers and 15yr old yobo's and their stolen MX. Or is it as I hope, with genuine enthusiasts all having a tear?

Having not ridden a motorcross for many years, I am curious as to how accessible green laneing is in the real world. Such as popping out on a muddy Sunday afternoon, riding to the route, tearing the route then venturing home covered in head to toe in nothing but pure mud.

So yea, what is your general insight to this?

Thanks :)
Thanks for the info guys.

As for horses, I am a horse rider my self, if I were to green lane I would simply kill the engine, sit by for 30 seconds, let them pass and carry on. No harm done and a little relax for me :D

Shame some don't understand this.
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