Green Machine 800D Mod Log

29 Nov 2013
Newcastle, UK
Hey guys, so I have just started my first major mod in a pre built case, have made my own custom Acrylic cube case before now, with split levels but this time i've decided to go with the Corsair 800D.

A lot of my time so far has been spent trying to think of ways to make it stand out from the other in terms of placement of parts etc. as I want it to be as different as possible but obviously within my budget.

I have one or two ideas, one which i'm hunting for someone that can build me a custom reservoir that has a good reputation.

My case colour scheme is pretty self explanatory by the name 'Green Machine' , as my colour scheme is Primary: Green, Secondary: Black

I will update this as regular as I can asking questions, thoughts and opinions along the way. it will include pictures and diagrams and the process, good the bad and the ugly as i'm sure mistakes will be made along the way.

Hope to hear from you guys if you have any wishes of things you'd like to see etc and if i can accommodate and like the idea i will.


Here is the upgrade in size from my current PC which is just a simple efficient problem free smooth running daily PC, no singing, no dancing :) So ive got plenty of space to play with in comparison :)


As for the laborious part of dismantling such a big PC case and drilling rivets out till your floor looks that speckly you think your eyes have gone funny. And bag and label all the parts which i recommend to modders if you want to save time routing through all the screws to find the right ones plus if anyone comes and moves stuff around where your working then less chance of something going missing.


Then it came to my first major decision and like all modders, you will 'umm' and 'ahh' over this for quite some time.

Your colour scheme. I decided to go Green as all of you know and I chose a colour from a colour chart on the wall at the powder coaters.

I chose the 6018 colour which can be know as Kawasaki Green. We shall compare when I get the case back on Wednesday afternoon.


A trip to Ikea for breakfast lead to me having about 50 pencils to use for this project and a work bench to keep my man cave remotely tidy whilst all this is going on and keep my PC desk free.



As for my first definite change to the case like most 800D's it is the window panel. It will be cornered off and be given an increase in height so can gain a better view of the top 360mm Rad that will be going there, and possibly another mod on the side panel window depending on how things measure up :)

My new acrylic window :) not massive changes but just enough ;)


More to come soon guys, deliveries this week with it being Christmas an all :)
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So the first delivery came today and its safe to say it was nothing interesting,merely the opposite as I was dreading this coming because I knew it involved a tedious task once id opened it. Heat-shrink - Ordered just Black and got Red as well, ill save that for another project.



So preparing for when my PSU arrives and I have to braid it all in the mod colors, I decided to prepare the heat shrink and cut it into 15 mm lengths so when applied and shrunk i have a smart and uniform finish across every plug and connector.

I firstly laid out a piece of tape and marks across the width of it 15mm intervals. I then got a sharp kitchen knife, Stanley knife would also do the trick or a scalpel and laid the tube out across the tape and started to cut away and then just slid the shrink along and continued till id got what i thought to be enough for my braiding job, so we shall find out in due course. Few pictures below to show it.



Please note the tape was just to keep the shrink there whilst i took the photo.

AND FINALLY :) ....................


Hopefully tomorrow Ill have the eagerly awaited Green Machine in Parts and ill semi - build it up so I can take some measurements for the inner fittings along with hopefully some other deliveries. So keep an eye out guys :) Any questions just fire away.
Really looking forward to seeing what the 800D looks like in colour rather than black! Nice and efficient technique with the heatshrink, too.
Thanks. Just onto Corsair as we speak trying to get some 5.25" Drive Bay Covers for the Mod so I can then try find someone who is willing to CNC them or whatever it takes for my idea. So hard in the UK, no where stocks the replacement accessories, just the standard accessories. Got delivery of a few parts today to get me going will reveal all when i go get the case in an hour or so. SO check back later when ive done a bit of work and then logged it up up on here.
So today's update - a lot going on :) Got delivery of some work tools from a Dremel to a Heat gun to my Motherboard and some fans (not ordered them all yet). Just a few pictures of the deliveries etc.

Mother Board: ASRock Extreme9 LGA 2011
Fans: 3x Twin Pack Corsair SP120 High Performance 3-pin

Close up of the Motherboard

GameBlaster inc. w/Motherboard

Now for the case modding you'll obviously need some handy man tools such as drills, dremels,jigsaws,heatguns. Here's some of the tools ive ordered and received so far.



NOW FOR THE PARTY PIECE, may i introduce to you in parts step by step.....


Bubble wrapped from its paint job at home so it doesnt get scratched on its journey :)

All the parts sprayed :)

So the construction begins....


Remember when you've done a custom paint job, the hole diameter will be narrower than it originally was. The best way to solve this it to just drill through the holes and any excess paint will be removed and be restored to its normal 3.2mm diameter using a 3.2mm drill bit.


And so the framework starts to come together. Please note any rivets that you see, they arent riveted, ive just threaded them through the holes to keep everything in line till I come to put everything together with all the final pieces, and the rivets I will actually be using are Black anodized ones to go with the theme, not Silver :)

Just using the fans as support for the shelf and making the frame stronger whilst i put it together.




And finally it all together :)


Now comes the real fun of getting the power tools out and modding the living daylight out of it.

Hope you're all enjoying it so far :)
It will do, although I have a pretty nice man cave, it certainly dominates in terms of color contrast but it does have an 8ft desk to compete with for size ha :) Case will only get better when i put my ideas into practice :)
Thanks. Had a bit of a design flaw last night but think ive got it solved providing Corsair can sort me out otherwise ill need a major rethink. Not good potentially :/ hopefully getting a few more deliveries if the postman hasnt got blown away in this wind.
Hey guys so here's what I've been doing today in around chores that I've had to do :(

So I taped the side window panel up, ready to stencil out where i was going to make my cuts and with my idea of running a 480 fan layout with a 240 push pull rad on the two right fans i realized it wouldn't look to good having to fix the fans to the acrylic window and then cut out another circle for the fans within the acrylic window so I decided that I needed a full panel so thanks to RAM GUY at Corsair he's sorted me out free shipping on a spare solid side panel which i can later add on finish it up and use the one i've got now to crack on with cutting and fitting the window etc. Here's a few pics just showing my process.

Here's my taped up window panel before i realized it would look crap and wouldn't work.

Solid Panel Taped Up

Stencilling around the fans

Finally my Layout for the window, to be cut either tommorrow or Saturday. Nervous about cutting it. :) Obviously blue shaded bits are what is staying at the metal. Apologies its quite light.

I've been messing around with the shelf in the middle and i I will be raising it ever so slight but not too much just to above the bottom of the hot swap bays. Figuring a way to fix that as we speak :) ill keep you guys posted.
Just an update so far for today. My Koolance 360mm Shroud arrived so ive been marking all that up and ready to do some cut outs. Im still limbering between a couple of ideas for some things so yeah its going to be interesting. I hate making decisions.

My 360mm Koolance Shroud

My Shroud with my Corsair SP120's in for an idea of the look. Mean look about it.

Marking up the top to fit the Shroud and cut out the fan holes. Like most im going to keep the pre-drilled holes in and a little area around them for extra support.


The holes drilled to fit the Shroud

Thats it so far off to do some more cutting and measuring up and umm and ahhh about possible plans ha hope you all like it so far :)
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