Green Network Energy and Simplicity gone bust

2 May 2011
Has anyone else been suddenly put in this situation where their energy supplier has gone bust? We were with Green Network it seems like we're with EDF but the GNE website doesn't really give much information!

We paid our monthly direct debit to GNE this morning, so I'm wondering where it's actually gone!

Has anyone else sorted this out, before I call EDF...
Ofgem protects customers of failed suppliers Green Network Energy and Simplicity Energy

Ofgem appoints EDF to take on customers of Green Network Energy, and British Gas Evolve to take on customers of Simplicity Energy

Green Network Energy and Simplicity Energy stop trading – what you need to know

EDF to take on Green Network Energy's 360,000 customers

I was with Green Network Energy – what happens now?

If you're a Green Network Energy customer, your gas and electricity will continue to work as normal and there won't be a break in service.

EDF, which has five million household and business customers across the UK, will write to you in the next few days to let you know what's happening. It'll contact you again to let you know when it's set up your account.

Your current Green Network Energy tariff will end, and you'll be placed on a new EDF tariff. We don't yet know the full details of this tariff – we're chasing EDF for more info – but the supplier has said that it "guarantees all customers will see a price decrease versus your current tariff until 30 September 2021."

The new tariff won't have exit fees though, so once you're moved over, you're free to switch away penalty-free if you want to.

Once EDF contacts you to confirm you've been transferred to it, use our free Cheap Energy Club to see if you can save by switching.

It's best to wait until you hear from EDF though. Ofgem guidance is to hold off, as the new supplier will be trying to automatically port everyone over, so your switch may get stuck in the system and be delayed.

To be safe, it's also worth taking a meter reading in the next couple of days, just in case you later have a billing dispute. If you need any further support, Ofgem has a comprehensive set of FAQs.
we've just gone through this with Yorkshire energy going under and getting picked up by Scottish Power.

Essentially what happened was we paid another month DD to Yorkshire energy, this went towards the closing bill (which we still own a little towards). It took best part of two months to give us any information about our new rate. They then put us on an 'exclusive' rate that was about 1/3 more than what YE was charging & more than their 'standard' rate :rolleyes: As soon as we got that info we moved off to bulb (glad we didn't go with GNE!)

They advised right at the start not to move to a new supplier until Scottish Power however the people who did got across quickly and didn't have to pay stupid money for the privilege. As such I'd suggest starting a move to someone else as soon as possible!

... but the supplier has said that it "guarantees all customers will see a price decrease versus your current tariff until 30 September 2021."

thats interesting, fingers crossed then you'll get a better experience that we did!
It will all be sorted out, it happened to me (I can't remember who I was with but was half way through transferring to BG, just told the new company I was going to BG and they said fine we'll not transfer you in) and it takes a little while for everything to sort out but you're covered for all payments made.

I would give it a week or 2 before calling EDF as they won't have a clue what's what at the moment, I believe you go over to them on a standard tariff but could be wrong.
You basically need to sit on this for a few weeks to avoid a mess if you try switching now. Wait until the transfer is completed to EDF then move to where ever you want. Your credit/money is safe as its protected, dont cancel any Direct Debits and just sit it out for 3-4 weeks.

If you have any specific questions drop me a direct message (work for one of the big 6)
Oh FFS! First Tonic went under and I was picked up by Scottish Power and I have literally just switched from them to GNE!
Went through this with Tonik 3 months ago. Had nothing to do. Everything got ported fine to Scottish Power. I was updated by email every few weeks.
I was with Simplicity (which had been cheap and great for the last 12 months) then last week had initiated an auto change as I use Swap my Bills or whatever it's called so in the change over process.

Recieved an email from British Gas yesterday saying they have been appointed by Ofgen and were our new provider

Looks like the change is still going through though
I was with Simplicity (which had been cheap and great for the last 12 months) then last week had initiated an auto change as I use Swap my Bills or whatever it's called so in the change over process.

Recieved an email from British Gas yesterday saying they have been appointed by Ofgen and were our new provider

Looks like the change is still going through though

As above, total and utter PITA, i had about 5 months left on my contact and the Electric rate was 11.22 / kW/hr, can only dream of getting anything close to that in the future, the tariff that BG will probably shunt us onto is looking to be expensive.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll wait a few weeks then look for a new supplier. I'm not a big fan of EDF and I was using Green Network Energy specifically because both their electricity and gas were from renewable resources (not sure how that works for gas, maybe it was just green by offsetting the carbon somehow).
I've only been with Green Energy Network a month! Second time I've had a supplier go bust on me in recent years the industry really is a mess!
I'm with Green Network Energy, my account is over £300 in debit. I asssume I can claim this money somehow, or it'll carry over?
I'm with Green Network Energy, my account is over £300 in debit. I asssume I can claim this money somehow, or it'll carry over?

Current and former customers who owe money, or are in debit to Green Network Energy and Simplicity Energy should wait to hear from EDF/British Gas Evolve or Green Network Energy’s / Simplicity Energy’s administrators.

If you mean credit then it'll be honoured by your new supplier.
Current and former customers who owe money, or are in debit to Green Network Energy and Simplicity Energy should wait to hear from EDF/British Gas Evolve or Green Network Energy’s / Simplicity Energy’s administrators.

If you mean credit then it'll be honoured by your new supplier.

I'm an idiot, yeah debit, not credit. Whoops.
Had similar with Robin Hood Energy in october, got switched to Grittish Bas

My gas was with Ebico (Robin Hood Energy white label supplier) and I switched my gas over to Bulb successfully before the British Gas transfer was complete.

Although there was a difference with Robin Hood where they didn't go bust, they actively sold the customer base off before winding up so there was time to do a manual transfer.
I was with GEN as well. They took my direct debit on the day they went bust. Had an email from EDF today saying "On 27 January 2021, Green Network Energy stopped trading and Ofgem (the industry regulator) has chosen EDF as your new energy supplier. We've already started supplying your energy and, great news, we guarantee all customers will see a price decrease versus their current tariff until at least the 30th Sept 2021."
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