Grid Autosport

12 Sep 2013
Hi, I searched the ten pages and unless I missed it there wasn't such a thread which is surprising, I wanted to see if people are having the same single player issues as I am or if there enjoying the game.

How is it for you?
I really want to enjoy the game however here's my problem, I'm around 70 races into a playthrough and I have a problem with the AI, It's dumb and it cheats. Here's an example of a consistent problem I'm having,
A 5 lap race, I practise, qualify and then race, I qualified to 4th. I got to the front by lap three and kept the lead up to just past half way through the final lap when I get back swiped and spun losing me the race. It seems to be happening all the time and I'm tired of alt tabbing out of the game and starting it all over again.
It can't even use the excuse that I'm just too slow and in the way, I can have a decent lead and it's as if an opponent ignores turns and the associated track demands for corners and comes barrelling up behind me at high speed as if it's sole goal is to sacrifice itself to stop me from winning. WTF? It's happening all the time now forcing me to repeat the same races again and again. It's not like I'm getting wins all the time, I imagine my average so far must be 5th or 6th place it's just every time I go through the 10 minutes of practice followed by 3 lap qualifying and then get a good race in it wipes me out on the last lap. Is the AI really this dumb or is it this smart?
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