Grid Autpsport

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
HUGE fan of the original Grid, is the autosport one worth it? Some casual arcady racing! I always race with the in car view, I heard some guff about autosport not having it or something?

Worth £6?
Got dirt rally... I just like racing games, some times, the more arcady the better.

Thinking this would be easier to pick up and play with a controller as I still don't have a wheel.
Its less arcadey than Grid 2, but more arcadey than the original Grid. The in carview is there, but its all fuzzy & out of focus. I really liked the game though.
Fuzzy? Ew... So in other words, they cheaped out on the textures and details of the incar view. I'll skip then.

A bit, aye. Theres a mod that removes the fuzzyness, but i never used it
It is pretty good, but for some reason I get artifacts when I reach the main menu on a GTX 580 (and a google search shows I'm not the only one). It sounds like a driver problem so might affect more Nvidia cards?
I was thinking about this one, i like the odd racing game (got the Grids, Dirts etc...), and don't use the incar view, always play from behind (ooh errr :D).
If you liked Grid 1 then its definitely for you. Well worth £6.

If you liked Grid 2 or Showdown, you should be shot.
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