
16 Apr 2004
So, the new trailer for Grindhouse is out on youtube, and it looks amazing!!

Grindhouse is the new Tarantino / Robert Rodriguez project, which aims to be like a night at the movies, with fake trailers separating a film by each of the directors.

Can't link to it as it's not family friendly, so do a search for it.

I honestly laughed for a good two minutes after watching it, it just looks like a typically OTT movie that I'm going to really like.

Any thoughts?

Zacko said:
Looks hilarious, any movie that has someone with a gun for a leg in it will be watched by me :p

That's what I was thinking. It just looks obscene, an effects-driven trashy extravaganza
Alasdair said:
That's what I was thinking. It just looks obscene, an effects-driven trashy extravaganza

You gotta love it :p

I was wondering how they're gonna do it though? Surely the two movies together would be about 4 hours or something?
Zacko said:
You gotta love it :p

I was wondering how they're gonna do it though? Surely the two movies together would be about 4 hours or something?

They are both full length features so hour and half each +
UK release date has been pushed back to June :(
We may not even get the film in it's entirety as it's bombed in American and is likely to be split into two separate movies :(
amx said:
UK release date has been pushed back to June :(
We may not even get the film in it's entirety as it's bombed in American and is likely to be split into two separate movies :(

It's two movies anyhow, one shown after the other. Reports are suggesting that they may be releasing them seperately here but both movies will be extended. Can only be a good thing.

One of the problems why it hasn't done so well in the US is because it's over three hours long.
Just got back from California and saw this while I was out there. Really enjoyed it, didn't know what to expect but I thought it was good.

Looks absolutely outrageous :D Rose McGowan with a gun for a leg does it for me :cool: Cannot wait for this. I hope they don't split them. The whole point is back to back OTT trash done brilliantly.
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atpbx said:
Its died on its arse in the states.

I wonder why?
These type of films were crap when they first came out and they're even more crap now.
Just because they're tongue in cheek doesn't make them watchable.
My mate has just got back from New York and he said that Grindhouse is awful and I don't know how bad it is (I do actually). He said it was the first time he'd ever heard people booing in a cinema an dasking for their money back.
whatever tarintino spouts out his sheep followers will rate it ridiculously high. Give him credit for his good films yes but no need to rave just because tarintino did it.
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