Grounding Problems and a Headache!

24 Oct 2005
Parents Basement
Hello all,

I have been having infrequent problems with my PC (rig in sig) since I built it.

At worst I get a BSOD with ‘ati3duag.dll’ (this is rare) – I can upload a photo of the BSOD if needed. I have experienced problems with games getting stuck very briefly in an audio loop and freezing (again rare). I get frequent problems with short audio loops when playing mp3s and I have a constant interference coming through my speakers - You can actually hear the interference change its pitch as you open and close programs or move windows around on the desktop etc. Removing my creative PCI sound card seemed to ease the looping in games a lot but the interference persists.
Another point to note is that with my gfx card, the Molex to PCI-E power connector sustained burn marks because that cable was faulty (replaced cable and no more burns) that also coincided with the warning LEDs coming on my gfx card (there not lit now).BurnMarkPic

Here is what I have done to test so far:

Run PC at normal clocked settings (for 1 week).
Prime stable 13 hours (chose to stop test, no errors).
Memtest passed for 9 hours.
Tried using 1 stick of RAM and using different RAM slots.
Removed creative sound card, went back to onboard.
Reinstalled windows (clean).
Checked hdds with the Hitachi tool, no bad results.
Interference can be heard on speakers when pc has shut down and remains audible until my PSU is switched off.

I’ve done a bit of googling and some of the results that I get seem to suggest some kind of grounding issue, although the articles I have read are about AV equipment. I would really like to try another PSU to rule that out but i don't have that option at the moment!

Would appreciate some opinions on the possible causes (and fixes?) of such annoying problems please! ;)

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cheers. its really hard to diagnose this correctly.. its either gfx psu or the grounding issue.. i can test the grounding prob when i get some time to rebuild the pc and install rubber things where the mobo is mounted.. just a pain, its taken ages to rule out all the other components :(

Good thinking, im going to try running the pc out of the case. Ive disconnected all the firewire ports/front audio and usb etc to see if that sorted it but had no luck. I also noticed that I start getting the audio interference half way through the xp logo screen, I presume this is when the sound card is switched on by windows tho.. Booted in safe mode and I don’t get interference then either!
Found someone with a psu :) so I should be able to test that over the weekend.
Will report back, in the middle of moving house at the moment so im not able to get on the net as often as id like :(

thanks for your replys ;)
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nice 1 ;) just tried the pc out of the case but still get the noise. so its not a grounding issue. Will be trying another psu and gfx card over the weekend.

i hope its the psu coz i can just buy a new one, if its the gfx ill just have to rma and be without my pc for a bit :( ...if its the mobo its gonna be a big pain to take the whole thing appart and rebuild, plus i have to wait for the replacment.

pc's suck sometimes but there worth it :D
its the pitch change when i open applications etc that suggests it could be more than just a bad audio plug. And im hoping that what ever is causing the audio problem is causing the video problem so i can fix both at once :)

i was running my speakers through an amp but i connected them directly to the sound card and i still get the noise but its a bit more quiet, i cant rule out the speakers tho tbh.. just semes to fit in with my other problems. I only have the medusa 5.1 headset at the moment (dog chewed through my hi-fi connection) so a cant test another set of speakers.
That medusa headset is dog-awful by the way, i opend them up to check for any problems in the headset and all the wires are held together by masking tape.. and no, i didnt get them from an auction site :p
ill report back over the weekend

EDIT: Just incase someone comes across this post in the future having similar problems i found this link very helpfull
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well its been a pain but i am now 99% sure its the mobo, i replaced my psu for a hiper 580w, also put a 7800gtx in place of my gfx card and used a different hifi and i still get the noise.
After a bit more research i found this seems to be a problem that effects a few asus mobos.
My biggest fear is getting the replacment mobo and the noise happens again. If it does then there is either some wired problem with my cpu or hdd's causing the noise. I did have 1 bent pin on my cpu but ive had bent pins before and its never been a problem.

wish me luck :)
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