Growing with sldsmkd - Indoor Herbs

27 Sep 2005
London innit
I've always fancied growing my own veggies as they taste much better when they are your own, but unfortunately live in a flat with no garden and the waiting list for an allotment is over 20 years. A few months back I got some free Basil seeds with something or other, and having south facing windows thought i'd give it a go.

Had always just bought bags of the stuff fresh from the supermarket, used a bit and thrown the rest away which is a real waste. Basil is dead easy to grow, I just bought some Baby Bio for herbs & some general compost. Was about £10 - and there's tons of the stuff left. It needs a bit of damp whilst it is germinating, but once it's established it's happier in dry soil (Mediterranean plant). Once it's 6" tall or so start pruning it from the top to encourage bushy growth and prevent it flowering (and turning to seed). As an advantage, you get to cook with the pruned leaves :)

This is it:

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Encouraged by the success with this - and how much i'm going to be using fresh herbs i've gone out and bought some seeds for Chives, Flat Leaf Parsley and Sage. Nothing to see at the moment as they have just been planted in some 5" wide, 1" deep pots and are hopefully going to germinate.

Will post pictures as they germinate.

(And yes I know the windows need a clean, we're 3 stories up so they don't get done that often on the outside)
Some lessons learned, some positives. Learning this as I go along.

Germinated them on top of the Loo as it's the warmest place in the house. These orange pots are too shallow and the plants got constrained. Clockwise from top left, Chives, Parsley, Basil, Sage. The Basil was too clumped together so some of the sprouts didn't have a chance.

Time to repot, I managed to untangle the Basil and Parsley plants a few died in the process and the weaklings went into the bin. Only one Sage survived sadly, so I planted some more seeds in the new pot. The one that surviced is doing well, it's growing a second set of leaves now.

The chives are on the left, not sure if they'll make it or not - they didn't like being moved at all. The basil plant from the first picture is in RUDE health, he likes his new pot.
Just to add, i'm now using a handful of Basil leaves in my meals every 2 or 3 days. It's so easy to look after, and tastes so good when it's fresh :) Look forward to having fresh other herbs.
This is my first year at this hobby and it is fantastic. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a hobby as much. Being my first year, I'm not expecting fantastic results, but things may improve with experience.

I'm thoroughly enjoying it, spend so much time checking the little ones. One of the first things I do in the morning is check the little sprouts and make sure they are okay. Was absolutely gutted when some died.
You will always get die off mate. Especially indoors.

Mostly it was due to me being cack handed and killing the sproutlings as they got moved to a proper pot. Next time I think i'll just sow them in a normal pot to start with.

The survivors are all getting their first real leaves, the first set they all had was all a bit Children of the Damned/Invasion of the Body Snatchers - sort of looked a bit like what you expected but was generally a poor featureless imitation. The Parsley looks recognisably like very tiny Parsley now etc :)

The Basil grew to fill the bigger pot quite quickly, will do some pictures next week.

Edit: And a lied originally about drier soil for the Basil, it likes to drink.
With basil I was always told to wait until it started to wilt slightly, then give it a good drink. You can literally watch it pick up straight away.

It definitely picks up quickly after a water. I've got to know the plant, so just cop a quick feel every morning and if it isn't feeling all perky do the business. :D

(You can feel the leaves, if they aren't springy and bouncy then it's time to water)


All coming on nicely, they had a bit of a spurt today in the heat. Chased an Aphid off today, cant see anymore but will have to keep checking. Have read a dilute fairly liquid solution in a mister will drive them off - anyone have any insight?
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At sldsmkd

My herbs are currently at your photos 1 and 2. How long did they take to get to that stage? I think I may be doing something wrong. Should I move them to a bigger pot or let them be?

Green fingers have I none :p. If they don't get a move on they'll be chancing their luck in the hedge!

Edit: their chives, basil, mint and parsley

About 3 weeks I guess.
Been keeping them out on the window ledge during the mornings, and they seem to like it. Had to trim the big one as there was too much competition. (They get direct sun from around 7am until midday)



Planted some spare seeds from some Chilli peppers the other day and they germinated, also got some free Thyme seeds with a pack of Lurpak so they are now germinating in the airing cupboard.
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Basil on both shots to the right, the big one was the original trial plant the smaller one is ones I planted 6 weeks ago or so.
Resized the images. The first shot shows Parsley, Sage, Chives, Basil, Basil and the second shot it some random Chilli peppers. The plants weren't getting enough light, so have been moved to the window ledge where they get direct sunlight between 6am and 1pm (look out below). Apart from the Basil none were doing very much, so I trimmed them very heavily a couple of weeks ago. Since that happened they have all come to life. The Chillis want moving into larger pot and separating, have no idea what type they are - assume they are generic green ones.

If anyone is growing some interesting Chilli varieties and have some seeds to spare please send me a mail in trust, i'll send you a pound to cover the cost of stamps and envelope.
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They all did well considering they were planted 3 months late, the Chilli peppers wont fruit this year I guess but hopefully will next year. The rest are giving lots of fresh herbs.
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