Grr no spark

15 Feb 2003
So the sun has been out in my area for the past few days now, but I can't enjoy it as my temperamental Italian (Aprilia Falco) is dead.

Bike cut out while cruising along at 60mph.

Now it seems there is no spark.

It turns over, albeit while making a ticking noise, but isn't producing a spark.

I've bypassed the side stand switch
Checked the emergency cut off
By passed the alarm, but still no luck
Fuel pump primes, I can here it when turning the bike on.

The Falco uses two plugs per cylinder and 4 coils, can't imagine all of them failed at the same time.

The search continues
Diagnostics read "1"

Apparently that is just a misc error that shouldn't have anything to do with it not starting. That's according to Griff at Aprilia Performance.

Camshaft sensor would make sense in terms of no spark when starting. If it has one.
Yeah actually.

I don't have any registered fault codes. Just "1", which doesn't really mean anything.

I'm going to systematically test all the sensors later today, but if any of them are faulty really it should display a double figure fault code.
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