Grrr TJ07 in all flavours except the one I want

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
As some of you know I've been thinking of watercooling for a while and considered various options including external or internal cooling on my existing case. Then I see the TJ07. It's a little large but looks the perfect case to me for high end watercooling - bar the price.

Even better I find somewhere offering it for a good price. And they have the windowed version in!

They have...

Silver with window

But no black with window. While I normally prefer silver I thought I'd give this a go in black. And the offer is only on for a couple of days. Bah, back to the drawing board :(
Normally I'd say silver > black but in this case the front is painted (accoridng to reviews). So I'm not convinced the finish will look as good as the black.
Yep just about decided on the silver with window. Then realised that while the black and silver non-wndow were very discounted (£186 delivered! - offer finished now though), the windowed version was about £1.50 less that it normally is. So I'll hang on a bit and see if prices drop a bit. Nice case in either colour :)
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