GRRRR Canon so called warrenty!

26 Aug 2003
The North
Looking for some advice on the following problem:

Basically i sent my (at the time) 3 month old 17-40mm lens off to be repaired. The problem was the lens was locked in autofocus, and the switch to set manual focus no longer did anything.

After receiving no information from canon for about 3 weeks now i've just given them a call. Only to be told the PCB board was corroded, and the replacement cost would be £109. Now this is a new lens, and i know for a fact that it has never has so much as a drop of water on it! All my lenses are looked after very well. Of course this meant nothing to them and I was told to pay up or they'd keep the lens.

Not very happy to be honest. But do I have any other options?
It was brought from Kerso (he imports lens from america and sells them on from scotland), I've already emailed him regards the matter and waiting for his reply. He is an excellent seller and well respected/trusted so hopefully he'll come through.

The 17-40 is weather sealed, but only if you use it on a weather sealed body (350d is not). But to me that means that the lens should have good protection from the elements.

The lens has certainly not been dropped in the pond! And it really has never been wet, i've not actually even used it in the rain. It's always been stored in a dry location and has only had a small amount of use. (its still new!)

I'm definetly not just going to pay up. If there really is a problem with corrosion already then there must be a serious fault with the lenses sealing.
The lens has always had a Hoya Pro1 digital UV filter on the front. I never take it off.

I know thats the risk you take when not buying from a shop. Mind you i'm doubtfull of the chances a high street camera shop swopping a 3 month old lens without referring you to the manufacturer.

The lens is covered by a full canon warranty. But in this case canon are claiming that due to the warranty not covering corrosion I have to pay. If there was no corossion it would be a free repair.

I'm tempted to ask for photographic evidence of the corrosion!
Fstop11 said:
If you ask for photographic evidence. You'll get it. I dont know what you expect from seeing this as I asked for the same thing when my 20D was apparently corroded from water. I got sent several images but in fairness. How are you going to know if this is your lens the pictures show..

The attitude of them is clearly out of order though.

I don't know, but it just seems really strange that it would be corroded all ready. I dont see how it could be because i know it has not been near water. It just feels like an easy way of me paying for the repair. Although i dont see why the lab tech would care unless they are on comission.
It is insured. Although with the excess and penaltys for claiming it wont be worth it.

I really wouldnt mind coughing up if i knew it had been soaked whilst out in the rain, or dropped in a pond or something else like that. But it really hasn't! Whats to stop it happening every 3 months?!?
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