GRRRRRRRR Corsair & DFI Expert??

2 Nov 2005
stockport, cheshire
Ok to begin with... I have one GIG of Corsair 1GB DDR XMS3200C2 XPERT TwinX (2x1GB)

And today i bought Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2

i have spent hours trying to get these lot to work!
i have put them all in in any combination i can, no post. i tried in 1t - 2t, diff voltages etc. all the ram works in a pair or in single but not all together as 1t or 2t in single or dual. Any ideas?
Any other crap i need to be doing in bios? IE set the timings? if so pleaseeee help! I have a DFI Expert SLI on stock BIOS.

Also, i got the new sound card in! how the hell do you get the DFI on board dirt burger one back out!!! ?? !! ??!!
the sound card i just left it in and disable it. but the ram is still the same! i have tried everythin i can think of!

i have tried all the 2gb pairs of OCZ, Corsair and cheap os! the only stuff that will work is Geil Value 2gb kit.

Any one have a DFI Expert and the same ram?
done everytin, reset bios, flash it and uese a diff one.

I have tried it all now! only stuff that will work is Geil cheap and nasty kits. tried the FULLLL range of OCZ and Mushkin with my ram today and had no joy. set all the timings etc! nothing! i am uber peed off now! i need to make the decison of EYE CANDY BEST EVER TIMING 1gb or get rid and get 2 OR 4 gig of the SAME stuff (got legit vista, MSDN) or do i try get some more of the same! lol. i need serious help here. I want more ram i need more ram but how i got about it?

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