grub2 - why are distro's using it?

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Tried Mint 8 - grub2 distroyed my win7 drive.

Tried Sidux - Can't work out how to change the entries.


What on earth was wrong with grub1? It's just a boot loader, and grub1 booted my OS just fine....
I actually like GRUB 2.

I use LVM on my EEE, which means using GRUB 1 I always had to have a separate /boot, since FRUB 1 can't live inside LVM. And I'd usually get the size wrong and always have a crash when I upgraded the kernel or installed anything which wanted to `mkinitramfs`.

GRUB 1 could never be made to work inside LVM without breaking backwards compatibility, this is one of the reasons GRUB 2 was made, also similar issues with crypto...

Now I'm using GRUB 2, and have no separate /boot, It's quite happy living in the root directory inside LVM.
If you edit grub.cfg despite the warning it seems to cope until you upgrade.

I don't like it much either, but I'm pretty sure it's just that I'm not used to it yet.
How the hell does Grub2 destroy partitions, when it does absolutely nothing to partitions?

as root run `fdisk -l` and you'll see your partitions (windows and other) will still be in tact. If they are not, then the Mint installation has, at some point, formatted your drives, or (the more likely option) is that you've not been sensible with the installation.
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