Gskill cl3-4-4-8 PC4400 timings advice

10 May 2004
Hi, I recently overclocked my comp:

My overclock

But I was wondering about the memory timings, which I have found a little confusing. Here is what I am running at:



This is how I got there:

"I was just adjusting them 1 by 1 trying to get them as low as possible except for tRAS which I calc'd as roughly cas latency + tRCD +2 (which I saw on a dfi memory guide) and tRC which I calc'd as tRAS+tRP, and tRFC which I calc'd as tRC+2. I quickly noticed that I could go lower than some of these numbers, but I wasn't sure what the consequences of doing this would be and the rationale presented behind the calculations seemed reasonable so I stuck fairly close to those. Should I just see how low I can stably go?"

Any thoughts as to where to go from here? I'd like things to be as tight as possible, but I'm not sure how to proceed, as I am still reading up about timings. Any advice?

If it helps, I can run 6-3-3-2.5 1T with my PC4400LE G.Skill RAM on my DFI. And that's at 275Mhz.

So I think you should be able to tighten up the Tras (Cycle Time) and perhaps either the RAS to CAS delay or RAS Precharge.

Perhaps try 7-3-2-2.5 or 7-2-3-2.5. I'd suggest you run Memtest though, as at 275Mhz I couldn't get either of those stable. :)

have you seen this excellent guide for the G.Skill RAM on the DFI board?

Gives you settings to try and stuff. ;)
Hi there, thanks for the reply.

I can get tras to 6 i'm sure, I just didn't go that low as it deviated form the formula I saw. I will try it.

If I put RAS to CAS or RAS precharge to 2 it doesn't get past the BIOS :( Are there other combinations of settings that might get these to 2?

I will run a memtest on RAS 6 tonight though, and check out that guide. thanks!
eyemessiah said:
If I put RAS to CAS or RAS precharge to 2 it doesn't get past the BIOS :( Are there other combinations of settings that might get these to 2?

I will run a memtest on RAS 6 tonight though, and check out that guide. thanks!

Hmm don't think so, the guide might help (i.e. trade off another setting to improve that one) but I couldn't get mine down that tight. :)

But defo check out the guide, got me running super! :D :p
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