GSkill HZ (PC4000) has arrived

30 Aug 2004
It has arrived now and generates errors in memtest86 when its at 280x10 at 1:1 running 3-4-4-8 timings. I now have it on a 180 divider running 280x10. so the memory is at 254mhz.

should i try it at 270x10 and no divider (doing away with 100mhz) or try something else like adjusting the timings/voltage on the memory to get it to 280mhz at 1:1

Spec in sig
marc2003 said:
pc4000 ram is only rated for 250mhz..... :)

we are on an overclockers forum here :)

should i leave on divider and be happy with just above 250mhz or take it off a divider and slacken timings/increase volts?
Squidge said:
Mine was unstable at 260Mhz, but I finally managed to get it stable by dropping the voltage to 2.4V and messing around with the data drive strengths and various timings.

I dont understand why it prefers less volts (ie 2.6) but its default is 2.7 :confused:
Jamie1984 said:
so, say your g.skill maxes out at 260mhz, you could then get 260 x 10 (multi on opteron 170?) for 2.6ghz? or could you then add a divider to bump it up a little?

the multi on an opteron 146 is X10, not sure about an opteron 170. you dont 'bump it up' with a divider.

you set the fsb higher, a la 280x10, then set the divider (of say 180) so it makes the memory stay at 250mhz. I dont know the maths behind how it works so just boot into memtest first and have a look, so it doesnt bugger up windows if its too high.

Im going to try for 1:1 with my Gskill tonight by changing from 3-4-4-8 trc 7 2.7volts to 3-4-3-8 trc 13 volts at 2.6. lets hope it works
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