
5 Jul 2012
On my way to pic up my new pc parts just now rather than wait / rely on yodel to do so tomorrow! In it is my x34a as well as my Seahawk x 1080ti and 1700x ryzen.

Never had a good build before and certainly not a gsync monitor.

Do I enable gsync on the monitor and also globally in Nvidia control panel? Also Vsync should I enable that globally in Nvidia panel and disable it in each game settings? Sure I read that somewhere, just want to confirm as got a lot to setup and do tonight / tomorrow!

G-Sync is enabled in the nVidia control panel - shouldn't have to change anything on the monitor.

When G-Sync is enabled the V-Sync option in the nVidia control panel changes how it works - with it set to On G-Sync behaviour is always applied and framerate is capped to the monitor refresh rate with it set to Off then the framerate is uncapped and the GPU will render as fast as it can - under the refresh rate you get G-Sync applied, above the refresh rate G-Sync is dynamically disabled for lowest input latency but you will get occasional tearing at ultra high framerates.
I'm sure I read that it's enabled via the monitor too. Will find out soon enough.

So regarding Vsync is it best to leave it off at all times? As I'm sure the 1080ti will play plenty games over 100. Kinda defeats the purpose of gsync monitor though.

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