On my way to pic up my new pc parts just now rather than wait / rely on yodel to do so tomorrow! In it is my x34a as well as my Seahawk x 1080ti and 1700x ryzen.
Never had a good build before and certainly not a gsync monitor.
Do I enable gsync on the monitor and also globally in Nvidia control panel? Also Vsync should I enable that globally in Nvidia panel and disable it in each game settings? Sure I read that somewhere, just want to confirm as got a lot to setup and do tonight / tomorrow!
Never had a good build before and certainly not a gsync monitor.
Do I enable gsync on the monitor and also globally in Nvidia control panel? Also Vsync should I enable that globally in Nvidia panel and disable it in each game settings? Sure I read that somewhere, just want to confirm as got a lot to setup and do tonight / tomorrow!