GTA 5 game files help

17 May 2013
West Sussex, UK
I have my SSD partitioned into two drives. One for Windows & progs, and one for GTA5.

Long story short, I broke Windows, I let it refresh itself, and it removed almost all of the installed programs.

The GTA5 install is untouched.

How can I reinstall Social Club and point it to the installation directory? If I double click GTA5.exe, it asks me to load the game via PlayGTAV. I click that, I get a window appear with the green bar across the bottom, than it just disappears.

Any ideas? Really don't want to reinstall 65GB :o
I'll do some more research. I was going to start the installer again hoping it would find it already downloaded, but don't want it to overwrite anything
I have done this on two pc's, download the installer and just install it to the same folder. The downloader will just detect the files and not re-download them. I would back up the folder just in case but it worked for me twice (this was not the steam version).

I've just tried that, but once I change the installation directory to the previous location, it just says there isn't enough room to start
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