GTA 5 - High GPU Usage

17 Feb 2009
I noticed I ocasionally get a bit of lag when playing GTA 5 ( offline )

Checked the GPU usage and it was about 100% which is crazy seeing as CP2077 uses less than that.

I turned down the settings from "ultra" to " high "

I have a 3060ti, 32gb of ram and an R5 3600.

What is normal GPU usage for this game ?

I have vsync turned on, it used to be fine until I upgraded to a 144hz monitor

I game in 1440p at 144hz
Cap your frame rate. @144Mhz you are pushing the game to its very limit.

As has been said, the game is GPU bound rather than CPU.

Also turn off the advanced graphics, set Post FX to normal and make sure grass is high.

I game at 1440 with a 2070S @75Mhz and I still hit 80-90% at my settings, with frames capped at 73 to use Adaptive sync. My CPU does not get above 50%

OK I figured the fps is too high , on my old 60hz monitor it was capped at 60fps which was fine.

It now runs between 100fps and 144fps.

I have looked around but don't know how to restrict the fps ?
I do use vsync
OK I figured the fps is too high , on my old 60hz monitor it was capped at 60fps which was fine.

It now runs between 100fps and 144fps.

I have looked around but don't know how to restrict the fps ?
I do use vsync

If you use MSI afterburner, Riva tuner has an FPS cap option. Just cap it in there.

OK I figured the fps is too high , on my old 60hz monitor it was capped at 60fps which was fine.

It now runs between 100fps and 144fps.

I have looked around but don't know how to restrict the fps ?
I do use vsync

The FPS is not "too high"; the whole point of a 144hz screen is to run at a decent framerate. Enable gsync if your monitor is compatible and cap at perhaps 142fps with vsync disabled. This should get rid of the 'laggy' feeling which is inherent with vsync and instead give you dynamic refresh rate adjusting to performance. Monitor your framerate and if you see it dropping down a lot lower some settings that are GPU intensive such as AA.
The FPS is not "too high"; the whole point of a 144hz screen is to run at a decent framerate. Enable gsync if your monitor is compatible and cap at perhaps 142fps with vsync disabled. This should get rid of the 'laggy' feeling which is inherent with vsync and instead give you dynamic refresh rate adjusting to performance. Monitor your framerate and if you see it dropping down a lot lower some settings that are GPU intensive such as AA.

Seems to work fine at 142fps capped.

Ocasionally it drops to 78fps and lags. I'll keep an eye on it.
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Hi, I think there is other problem than display limits.
I've got exactly the same issue.
My CPU is bottlenecking my rig especially in CP2077 but in GTA it's a weird thing
One day is working fine other it isn't
I've got i5-9600K@5200MHz 1x8Gb G.Skill 4000MHz and RTX3080
i've got FPS capped to 60 and Ultra settings 1920x1200
Usually it works smooth with 30-50% GPU load and the same with CPU
It only goes up to 90% when I drive through high grass areas (like shortcuts frome Vinewood Hills to Grand Senora Desert's Airport)
but still holds 60FPS
And now is the best, from time to time when I go on any lawn (especially high grass but any green field is enough)
I see my GPU hit 100% temp grows to 60C (but ussually never goes over 43) while CPU shows 50% load
FPS drops to 20-30 which is not funny
It might be something down to Riva Tuner as last time it happend just after upgrade software version
And I only see that in GTA V and I used to see something similar in SOTR which is absolutely weird as 3080 with DX12 and DLSS on must hold at least 60FPS
I'm sorry but it meant to be 2x8Gb as dual bank.
I found it's something related to MSI Afterburner or rather to Riva Tuner which is an option to Afterburner.
I wonder how to get rig of it without Win10 reinstall.
As I said before usually (when it works as it should) I can see 50% GPU usage and only 780MHz core speed.
When I go on green areas it barely goes up to whatever my OC is 1950-2070MHz
ATM I can see 2170MHz core clock even in the office and 60C which is weird there is no objects to render so how ...?
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